Offering one day, weekend, and continuous series of yogo workshops with a variety of topics including asana, philosophy, and meditation.
Workshops Class Details
Stay tuned for new classes coming soon!
Preparing for your Workshop Class – Important things to remember:
Bring your own mat and a large towel that will cover your mat. Mats and towels are available for sale at the Hot Yoga Om studio at low prices.
Moisturizer and make-up can get in the eyes when you sweat, causing them to burn. Cleaning your face prior to your hot yoga class may help. A small hand towel may also be useful in wiping sweat from your eyes.
Suitable attire for your hot yoga class will allow the skin to breathe, such as shorts or pants above the knees, and tanks or short sleeve shirts. In colder months, you may want to bring a dry change of clothes for after class.
We recommend that you do not eat heavily 2 hours before class.
If at any time you feel light-headed, dizzy or sick, do not hesitate to excuse yourself from the class or take child’s pose or savasana until you are ready to join the class again.
Due to excessive sweating, it is important to drink water before, during, & after your hot yoga class. Bring your own water bottle.
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Happy Students
Love the vibe of each instructor—very much fits their class type and atmosphere. The instructors’ knowledge level is always increasing which helps everyone find their edge during each class. As an experienced yogi, I appreciate this. Awesome yoga studio to practice! There’s a class for everyone!
- Denise
OMazing. I am post hip replacement and pre knee replacement. I am brand new to yoga. The heat allowed me to stretch deeper than I thought I was able. The beginner pace allowed me to learn the poses without slowing the flow too much. Excellent! I will be back!
- Kim